Tom Dean has launched his brand new swim school from his hometown of Maidenhead with over 4,000 swimmers currently signed up with the aim of reaching 12,000 young British swimmers in the coming months.
The ultimate goal however is to ensure young people from all backgrounds have access to swimming to build their water confidence and learn this vital life saving skill.TDSS is keen to talk to pool owners engaging with TDSS looking to enhance their pool programme, maximise community impact or bring aging or closed pool stock back for the communities.
TDSS will recruit and train all coaches who will then become part of an associate programme designed to bring an instructor community across TDSS.This hasn’t been an overnight operation and has taken multiple rounds of development, meetings with goverment, Olympic coaches, research commissions within the industry and think tank meetings with industry leaders to really understand the operational hurdles pools are facing and the reasons our swim sufficiency in our young is declining at an alarming rate.
Keep an eye out for more announcements and get in touch to learn more about this exciting project if you’d like to get involved.